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【招生官讲座回顾】加州寄宿高中 | 加州顶级寄宿高中 | Pilgrim School 皮尔格雷姆学校

美高申请 加州顶尖寄宿高中 | Pilgrim School 皮尔格雷姆学校。地理位置优越,位于洛杉矶;学术氛围多元;课外活动丰富,校园设施完善。是难得的在市中心如此优越的寄宿高中。

【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第十四期: Davis & Elkins College

Davis & Elkins College: 腻烦了走到哪里都是国人的外国大学?美好精致的文理学院是你的不二选择!历史悠久:1904年建校;高效精致:学生人数仅千人;教学优质:西弗吉尼亚高校联盟认证;真正小班:师生人数比1:16;深造前景:医学、法学研究生院录取率超过90%;

【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第十三期: Allegheny College

【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第十三期: Allegheny College 。上名校!全美Top 24的文理学院;要优质!65%录取率,学术严谨度全美第20;有底蕴!1815年建校,全美第32古老的大学;要多元!学生来自45个国家,多元率高达21%;要有趣!学生组织多元

【讲座通知】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第十期: 皮尔格雷姆高中

皮儿格雷姆高中 学术卓越:设有13门AP课程,多门STEM课程,SAT近2000分。鼓励创新、发散性思维,开展各项体育、艺术类活动 人文关怀:开设ESL,并提供舒适安全的校内住宿和丰盛的三餐。生源优秀:100%大学录取率,毕业生进入哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、纽约大学、加州大学等名校

【讲座】 “对话美国招生官”系列讲座第九期: 费雪儿学院

Fisher College 费雪儿学院:波士顿心脏地带百年私立大学

微信讲座WholeRen’s maxim, “Bringing Two Great Nations Together, One Student at a Time”, captures the essence of its mission to serve the educational needs and aspirations of families and educators in the USA and China while enhancing those experiences and involving highly reputed educational organizations and individuals.  This mission is predicated on meeting the needs of the individual student by utilizing the best aspects of Eastern and Western educational precepts, and making the success of the learner the highest priority.

WholeRen aspires to continue to help Chinese students and families benefit from education and experiences available in America, and develop and execute plans and activities that satisfy participants.  WholeRen foresees increased American interest in Chinese experiences and being desirous of opportunities to explore and learn in a Chinese environment as well.  Exchanges and visits will be more mutual and involve more American students from middle school through graduate school in China.  There will be an evolving need to create follow-up services, and design support that sustains students and reassures families to insure safe and fulfilling transitions.  WholeRen is creating a network of honorable relationships with organizations which can be trusted and networking with partners to round out support and services likely to be needed by increasing numbers of students.

The five key things that really drive results for Wholeren are: student success, satisfied families, feedback from previous clients, requests from educational organizations, and services tailored for individuals and institutions.